I am an Irish born, Canadian animator and Illustrator, and an enthusiast of all things that involve drawing and model making. I hold a Masters in Illustration from the University of Hertfordshire and I graduated from the Sheridan College animation program. I have been working in the animation industry for just about 15 years now, for clients such as Disney, PBS kids, Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Lucky charms and Fisher Price. I also hold a degree in Industrial design from the University of Alberta, and have worked as a designer in the exhibit/museum design industry for clients such as Sony, the Smithsonian and the NYS museum, prior to jumping into animation.
I happily reside in the Niagara region where I work as a professor in the Niagara College game development program, a job that excites me every day. I have started this blog to document my thoughts on all things relating to the digital arts, storytelling, and Canadian myths and legends.
contact: info@conorpmacneill.com
Nice to meet you tonight at the lakeside duck funeral
and learn about your new book. asap get me your phone number
for my files and address so I can forward that to the radio noon host at the NF radio station
and what dates your book signing is at the NF LIBRARY, Your project is just what they want
6480.ca is the radio station
What I want is a press release so I can run with it
cheers Roddy
905 468 3928