Some pics from the opening of “Canadian Myths and Legends”

Big thanks to everyone who came out Friday! It was a very special evening for Paula, Declan and I, and we really appreciate. The show will continue to run till Nov 28. I hope everyone is enjoying “Benny the whale goes to Niagara Falls”, and can’t wait to hear what people think! Thanks to my friend Eva from Philosophy Studios too, who took most of these great pics! I hope this show ill be the first of many, and look forward to painting more great tales and characters of Niagara’s history!

2 thoughts on “Some pics from the opening of “Canadian Myths and Legends””

  1. I saw your exhibit last month at the pumphouse and thoroughly enjoyed it! Canadian Myths and Legends always intrigued me growing up (and still do), I found many of your paintings illustrated how I imagined them as a youth. Also learnt of some new ones. Keep up your great work!

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